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Mouse Disco

Not refering to Mickey Mouse here - as a side note, did stumble upon the Mickey Mouse disco album from '79 shortly before x-mas -, but your computer's mouse.

Everytime you close a window, open your computer, save a file, your computer
will emit a sound. That can be easily customized, the trick is to have the desired sound as a wave file ...

Did play around this 2 years back. Took a snippet of a Salsoul release from 1977, "Can't turn you loose" by Anthony White. All that was needed was to play it back on the computer's cd player and record with Windows Sound Recorder that can be found in the accessories section. Although quite fun, didn't want to risk getting tired of a much love record and eventually scraped the thing.

Now you're probably surfed on Disco Guy's website at one time or another. Lately, he went as far as recording and customizing 19 disco snippets specially for the computer. And he's offering them to you for your enjoyment.END

Disco pc sounds at

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