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James Brown obscure recording unveiled

Surprisingly, those aren't old 50s and 60s stuff, nope, actually they are from the 90s, quite recent in perspective to his long standing carreer. Now honestly they're not all great, but one or two warrants the attention of James Brown fans.

TK Disco records founder Henry Stone is responsible for this release, he says ...

"I have been with James
Brown since the beginning of Please, Please, Please, as a mentor and as
a friend. In the early 90s, we formed the Brownstone record label and
put out several releases over the years. James sent me a number of tracks
to be released and tested on the Brownstone label. After James'
sudden death, I felt it was important to put out this CD, "James Brown
A Family Affair", in honor of James' memory, to release these tracks
to the world as James Brown would have wanted. This collection includes
material that he sent me from himself and his two daughters, Yamma Brown
and Venisha Brown

More about it and listen to a few songs below,

James Brown "A family affair" cd at

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